Concord supervisors will vote to develop or not on Wednesday, March 18th at 6pm at the Garnet Valley Middle School. Your attendance is critical. THIS TIME A VOTE WILL HAPPEN!
Directions here: https://goo.gl/maps/6QQt0

This will be a quick 15 minute meeting. Arrive early!

Last updated: Sept 25, 2015

Save the Valley

Our Precious Land is At Stake

Just west of route 202, straddling the Pennsylvania/Delaware border lies a hidden gem in the midst of big box retail stores and urban sprawl. This area is known by locals as "The Valley", but formally as Beaver Valley, and consists of thousands of acres of woodland and farmland. It is treasured for its rare beauties, historic and ecologic significance, and offers an incredible recreational wonderland for hikers, bikers, horseback riders, and runners.

Members from all walks of life have joined together to help preserve over 750 acres of pristine land in beautiful Beaver Valley that is currently slated for development. We are a group of concerned citizens who understand the value of preserving Beaver Valley. We aim to put a stop to the development plans on the remaining land held by the Woodlawn Trustees and to preserve the land permanently for recreational use. We want it to be known that we will not stand for development on this land. Join us in the fight for saving this precious land before it is too late.


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Get a Bumper Sticker

Support us by putting a Save The Valley bumper sticker on your car. We'll mail it to you, free of charge.

Involve Your Neighbors

Want to host a neighborhood presentation? Contact us in the questions section below and we'll come present in your neighborhood. No knowledge required, just provide a location. Could be in a home, yard, or public setting. Concord addresses only, and a minimum commitment of 10 people required.


Your donations are a critical part of keeping this effort going. Please donate today!


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Read articles that we've posted.


About Us

Our Mission
To protect and preserve the unprotected acres of Beaver Valley in Pennsylvania and Delaware by facilitating public awareness, public education, mobilization, and action regarding the protection of Beaver Valley.

Who We Are
We are a group of local, action-oriented citizens who share a common love for Beaver Valley and aim to preserve it for future generations. We believe that Beaver Valley is an irriplaceable piece of land, rich in heritage and beauty amongst a backdrop of urban sprawl. The fields and forests of this land offer a unique opportunity to escape from the confines of the city and allow individuals to connect with nature. We are Save The Valley, we are your neighbors.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • Q: I am not into Nature or Outdoor activities...why should I care?
  • A: As everyone in the Township knows, the Route 202 corridor is already overburdened. Developing these 325 acres will eventually affect everyone in the surrounding areas with increased traffic, noise, water and air pollution, and pressure on the Garnet Valley school district.

  • Q: I did not know about this land --what does it offer me now?
  • A: The extensive trail system is open to hikers, dog walkers, runners, bicycle and horseback riders. Access to good-quality, well maintained open spaces can improve our physical and mental health by encouraging us to walk more, play sports, or simply enjoy the fresh air, green space and natural environment.

  • Q: What is the difference between Save The Valley and the Beaver Valley Conservancy?
  • A: Save The Valley is primarily an awareness organization. We spend our time getting the word out to the community and mobilizing people. The Beaver Valley Conservancy (BVC) is a separate organization with a similar mission, however, their approach is a bit different than ours. The BVC has collected data on the impacts of the proposed development and has made that information available to the public. Save The Valley uses that data to create digestible informational pieces for the public. You can visit their webiste at www.savebeavervalley.org.